Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Impervious Surface Mapping

GRW recently completed a comprehensive impervious surface mapping project covering all of Fayette County, Kentucky. The data was digitized from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government digital orthophotography and was delivered in ESRI Personal GeoDatabase format. The impervious surface data was used by LFUCG to calculate the newly proposed storm water tax for homes and businesses as a result of a settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency. The final database covered almost 300 square miles of land and contained almost 500,000 topologically structured GIS polygons. The impervious surfaces were classified using the following types:

  • Buildings
  • Roads
  • Paved Driveways
  • Paved Parking
  • Airfield Pavement
  • Bridges
  • Pads
  • Private Sidewalks 
  • Public Sidewalks 
  • Recreation
  • Unknown
  • Pervious