Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment

  • Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN
     Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN
  • Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN
     Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN
  • Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN
     Whitestown Perry Worth Road Realignment, Whitestown, IN

GRW was selected to provide survey, design, bidding, and construction administration services for the re-alignment of Perry Worth Road in Whitestown, IN. Approximately 0.6 miles in length, the project re-aligns Perry Worth Road to remove its existing intersection with Whitestown Parkway, and establishes a new intersection approximately 800 feet west of the current intersection. 

The project included widening the re-aligned portion of the roadway to four travel lanes, as well as conversion to an urban section with curb and gutter, sidewalks, and enclosed drainage.  The project also included improvements to Whitestown Parkway at the new intersection location, and a new traffic signal with preemption and pedestrian crossing call buttons. Decorative lighting matching the surrounding area lighting was also included. Two parcels were involved in this project.  GRW was able to work with Whitestown and the property owners to complete an agreement to dedicate the necessary right-of-way. Even though the project was locally funded, every aspect was designed to INDOT standards.