KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads

  • KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY
     KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY
  • KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY
     KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY
  • KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY
     KYTC Hurstbourne Parkway, Bardstown to Fern Valley Roads, Louisville, KY

For the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), GRW provided the preliminary and final design, and environmental services for the extension of Hurstbourne Parkway from Bardstown Road to Fern Valley Road. To achieve a landscaped parkway effect, a 12-meter raised median was constructed. A 4-lane initial/6-lane ultimate typical section was developed and a a shared bicycle path was also provided.

GRW also designed the realignment and/or improvements to five approaches.  Intersection capacity analyses were made to determine needed turn lanes and deceleration/storage lengths. Half of the project is undeveloped land, and half is in a highly urbanized area with many residences and commercial development. The project's impact to G.E.'s Appliance Park was studied and a new 4-lane entrance was designed that was coordinated with G.E.'s plant manager.

GRW coordinated the environmental analysis; and completed the analysis of all drainage requirements (culverts, storm sewers, ditches, etc.) and a hydraulic/floodway analysis of the twin 3-span bridge crossing of Fern Creek.  The project involved more than 1,500 linear feet of stream restoration and enhancement including construction of meanders, sandbar willow plantings, riffles, tree plantings, pools, mitigation seeding (native grasses), point bars, coir fiber erosion control blanket, bankfull benches, and cross vane grade controls.