This project began with an engineering / traffic study of five possible alignments. Existing traffic volume data and accident records were obtained and intersection turning movement counts for the AM and PM peak periods were taken at critical intersections. A traffic analysis was conducted for the surrounding area and public workshops and meetings were held with property owners in an attempt to solicit design input. Features and suggestions from these workshops included: sidewalks where needed, a multi-use path, landscaping mounds, privacy fences, better location for access drives, street lighting and storm water improvements.
GRW was responsible for preparing signing plans, pavement striping plans and the redesign of two major signalized intersections at each end of the project. Work also included an eight-foot bit-paved multi-use path. GRW also provided construction administration and inspection for this roadway. GRW coordinated all utility relocations prior to construction and assisted the county in obtaining right-of-way acquisition agreements.