Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator

  • Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
     Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
  • Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
     Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
  • Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
     Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
  • Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY
     Lexington North Elkhorn Pump Station and Generator, Lexington, KY

GRW’s in-house team of electrical, mechanical and structural engineers supported our firm’s water resources design team on this pump station and force main replacement project. The new, 19 MGD North Elkhorn Pumping Station and 30”/36” force main diverts wastewater flows from the West Hickman Creek Wastewater Plant drainage area to the Town Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant, which has more available capacity.

The new pump station includes:

  • Four 385 HP, wet pit (submersible) pumps with variable frequency drives
  • 2,000 KW generator, which can start and run four 150 HP wastewater pumps, and fuel tank
  • Chemical scrubber odor control
  • Liquid phase odor control
  • Mechanical course bar screens
  • Flow metering
  • Telemetry and instrumentation controls
  • Lightning protection system
  • Harmonics mitigation equipment